Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Bias is not always a bad thing !

Hey guys,  I have a really great information to share!
 Last few weeks, I have a chance to read and 
studied a great article about cognitive biases which contain 12 different kind of biases 
and some of them are quite complicated if you want to learn and know about them,
 here is the link 
Enjoy! I'm sure you will be more clear
 about biases in human. 

I have chance to read and discuss mainly about the 
Post-Purchase Rationalization, Neglecting,probability

and Observational Selection Bias.
 From what I have read I found out that 
I have high interested in
Post-Purchase Rationalization than the others. 
I am eager to describe about Post-Purchase Rationalization because 
I believe that most people have experience this kind of bias but do they really know that it is a bias and why do we need to have it. 

The article mention that Post-Purchase Rationalization will be appear
 after people have made some decision that they thought they would be happy if they have it but soon after that they realise that it is a bad idea but they still come up with reason for making those stupid choice to make themselves feel better


Like I have mention earlier this kind of bias had happened to everyone everywhere including myself. My own experience in this kind of situation is that i once spent my pocket money(that I have save almost one year) on a toy called Furby, It is an electronic robotic with cute design (attractive to buyT.T) which i believe that Furby is one of the most expensive toy ever. At that time I bought because I saw everyone have it and it is so cute I cant wait to have one on my own. But soon after i have it then I realise that its just a toy and not worth to my saving money i should not have buy it.

But then I have these kind of feeling that it may not be that bad , and then I finally came up with so many reasons why  having Furby is great, yeaa its expensive but its like my friend who I can talk with when I'm alone or I can play it when I'm bored or I can even teach it English(made me feel so smart being a teacher lol).

In short, people dont usually know that all the reason that they have come up  with after making a crappy decision is because of bias and if they know, they will try to ignore it because most people believe that bias is a bad thing even it actually not. Yes Bias do have some disadvantage facts but doesnt mean it doesnt has any advantage facts . It depends mainly on the situation and how we manage it just like the optimism bias.  For instance,  The Post-Purchase Rationalization without this kind of bias people can  be over-thinking and feel bad about what they have done so long, which is not good because people can become stressful and ofcourse its bad for their health.

In conclude, there are so so many different kind of bias in people mind , as we know cognitive biases is so complicated and not so many people know about this, they dont even know that some of there action or feeling that have been processed by their mind is a bias. People should know about the real facts of biases so that they could be aware of it and wont be affected much from it. 


  1. Do you think everyone has this bias or not ? What if it occurs all the time, does it affect to our life in good ways ?
    You have an interesting situation of this bias. If it possible I want more example about this bias. By the way your customization of your blog are really pretty.

  2. I love how you explain post purchased rationalization I got a better understanding from your perspective. You've mentioned that people should be aware of their own biases. What do you think if we are able to rationalize our biases, what this would leads? what would change in our society?

  3. Your post is very interesting, and well-explained. I have experienced the post-purchase rationalization several times, especially when I bought something very expensive but in fact it is not that necessary, and I did feel that I shouldn't have spent too much money on it, but then I tried to rationalize to myself that it is expensive because of good quality, and so on... As you said that without this bias, people will be stressful and over-thinking. So, is it what you mean that we should keep this bias with us?

  4. After reading your posted, I have a very clear understanding about this bias. It's true that we have this bias to make us feel better when we make mistakes. Is it good to have this bias? Maybe people will make the same mistake many times but come up with this bias to make them feel better again. How would it be benificial if we are able to recognise it?
