Monday, June 22, 2015

The Implicit Association Test combine with The political compass test make me know more about myself!!

The Implicit Association Test (IAT) was created to help people to figure out what kind of biases do they have while the Political Compass Test help people to identify themselves in the political ideology system or what kind of perspective do they have or how do they value things in this world.

The implicit-association test (IAT) is a measure within social psychology designed to detect the strength of a person's automatic association between mental representations of objects (concepts) in memory. Means that the faster people respond to each pair of the categories in each situation the more they are involve into. For instance, my result is described as a ‘automatic preference for light skin’ because I responded faster when Light skin faces and Good words were classified with the same key than when Dark skin faces and Good words were classified with the same key. Depending on the magnitude result, each people automatic preference can be described as ‘slight’ ,moderate, strong or little to no preference.
Here is the link to take the test --->

The political compass test shows whether our essential point is Left and Right and whether we are Authoritarian or Libertarian by asking several question about our perspective on the statement that have been issue , they asked us to state our opinion from strongly agree to strongly disagree and give us the result in the end.
Here is the link to take the test ---> 

Before I take the test I am a bit sure that the result would be that I have a bias for light skin people, actually I am not that against dark people and I am pretty sure that I didn’t hangout with people base on their skin color because I believe what is important is what inside them not their skin color. However what makes me thought that I would have this kind of bias because that I am from the area that the majority of people are light skin people so when I took the test I had respond faster with the light skin people rather than the dark skin people. But for my second test, I never thought I would have a bias for Young people toward old people. Because i dont think that age how old people are would be a big problem but many because young people have more ability to work on things so thats why my bias for young people slightly outweigh bias for old people. 

For my political compass test, I bet that I am at the Authoritarian left because of my social believe and our government system force people to be. They make us believe and follow all the idea of our political ideology which is more left wing that we aim to make equality society.

If I take an ideological perspective on my implicit bias, then I would believe that my political compass test is quite right because I believe that something we need government to manage for us and people should have equality.

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