Monday, July 20, 2015

Peer Reviewed Biased story

Bias notes on IPHONE is way much better than Sumsung.

I wrote a story about how brilliant Iphone is and why it is the best smart phone that Sumsung can not be any close to. 

My friends told me that there are a lot of Bias by Labeling appeared in my article.  I used many adjective to describe how cool Iphone is and try to make people willing to buy it like : obviously, no doubt , ton of reasons , proved , brilliant , real , Highclass, high quality , smart designs good functionary and right choice. More than that, i also describe Sumsung in a very bad way by using all the negative adjective such as copy-cat, brainless (company), laggy , complicated and useless. 

More over they said that they can see Bias by spin in my article which is that I mentioned about Sumsung situation, because they knew that they cannot reach Iphone quality so they try to lower their price so that people will be able to buy their (copy)smart phone. I wrote this so this can makes know people that Iphone must really have a higher quality because its expensive and obviously something is cheaper is not as good as expensive because it is "cheap". 

I also add some multiple biases in my story which I connected  bias by selection source with bias by spin. I chose the quote from Steave Job(he used to be the CEO of Apple and he is the one who presented the idea of Iphone), I picked up some of his sentence from his very first presentation  that" iphone is easily to use and the other phone is too complicated but right here i spun it by saying how bad Sumsung is and add the above phase from Steave Job that it is too complicated making like Sumsung is the phone that Steave Job said its complicated. 

Futhermore, there are some phrase that that can be both bias by labeling or bias by spin  which I said "that apple published Iphone first in 2007 and Sumsung published Galaxy in 2009 due to my bias the one that published first its automatically better  and so  I try to make people think that Sumsung copied the idea just because Iphone published first.  

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